Monday, January 5, 2009

What was I thinking?

So Sunday, yesterday, started out innocently enough. But man did it end with a fury. It started out much the same as the day before with my usual Zone breakfast of eggs, turkey sausage and an apple.
9.30am came and found Mason and I over at CrossFit Swift helping Keith and Tim install the new pull-up bars. Our plan was to get in and out of there quickly because we had to go start playing volleyball at 4.00 that afternoon and I was hoping to get in a nap before we played. (Sundays are good for that) However those of you that have ever tried to ''do-it-yourself'' know that things hardly ever go according to plan. After many expletives from Tim and several broken drill bits, before we knew it lunch time rolled around.
So we push on through and finally rolled out of there by 3.00. That definitely did not leave much time for my nap. (not happy) So I rushed out of there and gathered up my things for what was going to be a long, long night. Mason and I arrived at The Richmond Volleyball Club around 4.30. We played pick up until 6.00. Then our team had a scrimmage from 7.00 - 9.00. After that we had league play from 9.00 - 11.00.

Needless to say (but I am going to say it anyway) I was EXHAUSTED!!! So after finally getting to bed sometime after midnight I was able to get my nap in.
I say that since that is exactly what if felt like. A very, very short nap before the alarm went off yelling at me to get to work. So of course I had to give it a back hand a time or two and hit the snooze.

Now for some reason I was just not satisfied with all of that. So tonight I decided to head on over to CrossFit Swift and get in a quick workout. Now I was really hoping for a strength or ''heavy'' night as we call it. Where you just get to lift heavy weights. Instead I was greeted with a very nasty Met-Con (metabolic conditioning).
Otherwise known as extreme cardio or HOLY ..........!
So needless to say I was still spent from the previous long night of 6 hours of volleyball. But I was already there and was not about to leave. - - - Pride, it's not always a good thing.

So tonight this is what I did in 22 minutes.

400 meter row
5 rounds of
5 - Burpees
5 - 55lb kettlebell swings

400 meter row
5 rounds of
5 - air squats
5 - situps

400 meter row
5 rounds of
5 - 95lb thrusters
5 - pullups

DONE or should I say OVER DONE. Or at least that is what I thought. The funny thing is that now that I have been doing CrossFit for about 3 months now, the recovery time gets better and better. Yes the workouts are tough but the things you can accomplish are incredible. The best part is the more you do them, the better you get and the more you want to do them. So even sitting here tonight I am tired and looking forward to hitting the sack, but I feel good.

Even if you can't do EVEN ONE PUSHUP now, does not mean that you can't do one in a week or in a month if you keep trying. The key is that you have to start somewhere and then you have to keep going. No matter what that means. The beauty about CrossFit is that anyone can do it. Tonight while I was suffering through my 22 minutes of hell there were 5 other people doing it with me. Everyone was doing what they could do, some less some more, but they WERE DOING IT and that is the key.

So now as my night winds down, I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Each day brings it's own rewards and challenges. I just have to remind myself that there are others all around that are going through much worse than I am or will ever go through. So just when I think that my 22 minutes of hell are bad, I remember that the person next to me might be going through much worse. Divorce, Death, Sickness, Unemployment, etc, etc, are all around. Smile and be happy that you are who you are and things, no matter how bad, can ALWAYS be worse.

With that being said, please keep my coworker in mind and in your prayers. He and his family have to decide if they want to pull the plug on his brother in the next day or so. He is 50 and had a heart attack over the weekend. So take a minute and hug a family member because you just never know.

Thanks to all those that have welcomed me to this strange world of blogging. And to my friend Deanna - keep working on that pushup. It WILL happen if you want it to. What's that I hear? Oh yeah, its my bed calling my name ever so softly. Yeah right, it's screaming at me to get in there NOW!


  1. I will be praying for your co-worker. That is an unbelievable choice to have to make. I pray that God will give them peace in whatever the decision.

    And just for you... I will keep trying for that push-up!

  2. Welcome to the blog world. Man, I am tired after reading all that you did! I can't do a good push up either. I am one of Deanna's blog friends. That is how I found you, in this crazy blogworld. Enjoy it.
