Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everything's Mental

There is no doubt that CrossFit will test you and find out where you are weakest. It does not matter, you will be tested both mentally and physically. Here lately all my tests have been mental. I am by no means old. I am only 36 - 37 in a couple months, but for some reason I am feeling old. Most of it is my mentality and expectations I set for myself. I want to be the best at everything I do, no matter what.

I guess that is what I really like about CrossFit. No matter what I do I can't ever defeat it. Each workout seems to be just as hard as the last one. Mostly because the stronger and better you get, the more you push yourself, thus making it just as hard as the last time. It also does not help to try and keep up with other athletes that are 10 - 20 years younger than you are.

I know I can keep up with them and I am doing it. They are only beating me by a minute or two depending on the workout. But let me tell you what that is a LONG minute. The thoughts that keep going through my head are ones of doubt and why bother. We start out even and they just slowly pull away and finish just ahead of me. No matter what I do I can't catch them. I try to tell myself that it's because my upper body is not as strong as theirs, which may be true. However it's the negative thoughts that really keep me out of it.

If only for a brief second that negative thought puts me behind and keeps me there. Then I am not just competing with the time or the weights or the other people, but against myself and the negative thoughts. That is the toughest battle of all. But those of you that know me, know I won't give up - no matter what! Some would say that's my downfall but I have to say it's the one reason I am who I am and where I am today. I just don't quit until I master it and am in the front.

In life this may be fine, but in this world of CrossFit it just leads to more and more of the same struggle. The amazing part is that even in the midst of this seemingly endless struggle of the mind I am making huge improvements like never before. My conditioning is the best it's ever been and I am getting stronger and stronger with each week. I am doing things that I looked at a year ago and said no way. Like doing a handstand on an Indo Board. Now that's fun.

The other thing that CrossFit does is pull you out of your comfort zone and makes you confront your weak areas. No one likes to do that, but it is so important that we all do that so that we can grow and become better people. It's so much fun learning new things and looking silly from time to time. Again, I love to be in control and definitely don't like to be silly. However between CrossFit and my daughter, they are helping me with that.

The mental struggle and the workout tonight was this:

500m Row
Push press x 21 reps (115lbs)
500m Row
Push press x 18 reps
500m Row
Push press x 15 reps
500m Row
Push press x 12 reps

I finished with a time of 20.38.

Not bad but when you compare it to the people I am competing against it is SLOW.
Tim finished in 14 minutes. Mason and Mark in 18 minutes.
Like I said one or two minutes is not that long a time, but when you are in the middle of all that, it lasts FOREVER.

I did finish as Rx'd, and I know I will be better for it now that it is all over. I just know I need to work on the mental side of things just as much as the physical.
It's good to be pushed and challenged. When was the last time you were taken outside of your comfort zone and challenged?? I encourage you to try it at least once a week.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shoulder Work

I was not very excited to see the WOD on the board when I walked in.
It was:

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

That's right, upper body and lots of shoulder work. Man I do not like that. Mostly because I feel like I am already very weak, in comparison to others (Mason and Mark). That did not mean I was not going to do my best, I just did not like it.

I just kept reminding myself of the CrossFit mindset.

This was all about going heavy and not for time. Of course since Mason and Mark were there I was going to push myself to try and keep up with them. I knew this was out of my reach but what the heck, why not try.

Here are the results from the night.

Shoulder Press
my old PR was 130

Push Press
my old PR was 155

Push Jerk
never done these before

Mason and Mark both beat me easily but they are both incredibly strong in the upper body.
Here is where Mark finished on the night. He was the best on this night. Looks like Mason and I both have a new mark (pun intended) to shoot for.


The night ended with me exceeding my previous results. Which means I was making progress. For some reason I was not excited by that. Most of it had to do with the fact I did not have the belief in myself that night to do the impossible. Sometimes I have those days where I am just going through the motions and just want to get through it all. I think this was one of those times. Funny thing is, I wonder what I could have done if my mind had been right and I had felt good about it all.

I have to ask myself what other areas of my life am I shortchanging just because I want to get through it and be done with it. I am sure I can do better in everything I do, mostly just by changing my attitude.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Front Squat

I am tired so this will be very brief. I can't believe how much tonight took out of me. The good news is that it was one of my favorite nights at CrossFit Swift. It was a heavy night.

Tonight's workout was:

Front Squat

The goal is to be at your heaviest by round 4 or 5.
Mason and I started out at 115lbs for round 1. Round 2 we went to 135. Round 3 found us at 155. Things were beginning to get heavy for Mason. This is by far his weakest area. I still felt strong.

Round 4 took us to 175lbs. Again I pushed through all 5 reps ok, but it was beginning to get heavy. Mason struggled and barely made it through.

Round 5 - last round found us at 195lbs. Off I went, down, up - down, up until I grunted out the last two reps. Done! All 5 reps at 195lbs. Mason stepped up to the bar. Down he went and slowly he came up. Down he went again and even slower he came up. That was it, he was done at 2 reps. So for tonight I was able to beat him in the front squats.

Now I still felt very good and my energy level was going up quickly. I began to smile and look at the bar. Everyone knew what that meant. I was going to see what my 1 rep max was.

I stepped up to the bar and put 215lbs on it. Picked it up off the rack and took a deep breath. Down I went and up I came. It was tough for sure but I know I can do more. Of course I could not quit with that. I was feeling too good now. The smile on my face was huge now. The endorphins were kicking.

Now I put 225lbs on the bar. Took some deep breaths and off I went. Down and up. I decided to stop there, even though I still felt good. I figure I will save something for the next time I try this.

There you go another night, another personal best. I just love this stuff!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good Reading

I ran across this at www.againfaster.com and just had to share it. It's simple but as most simple things are - it's great!

A Few Truths

The following list stems from my recent successes and failures as an athlete and a coach, and I hope you find it useful. Because it is my list, it is more for me than it is for you, but there is no harm in sharing.

1.) It is always possible to work harder. Not necessarily longer or more often--just harder.

2.) If you try to accomplish everything, you won't accomplish anything. Pick a single goal, and dedicate yourself to achieving that goal.

3.) The further you go from your home gym, the more likely you are to run into someone who is faster, stronger, and more powerful than you. Travel, and bring your humility.

4.) You must surround yourself with those who share and support your goals. If your friends scoff when you leave for the gym at 5 a.m., get new friends.

5.) You cannot coach yourself. "Coaching by mirror" is a great way to know what a movement looks like and a horrible way to know what a movement feels like.

6.) You need to analyze your training, qualitatively and quantitatively. If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, stop doing it.

7.) On a related note, human beings are capable of rationalizing anything. If you go looking for proof that you're on the right track, you'll find it.

8.) Easy fixes are few and far between. If it's easy, chances are it's incorrect, incomplete, or both.

9.) It is human nature to get where you want to be and immediately stop doing the things that got you there. This is a fantastic way to stay right where you are.

All lessons can't be bright and cheery. Get rid of the crap that's holding you back, and have the courage to realize that a healthy dose of self-criticism can go a long way toward making you a better athlete. We all need a kick in the ass once in a while.

Go faster!

Valentine's Day Pain

Just when I thought that Valentine's Day was supposed to be about love and acceptance, CrossFit Swift taught me otherwise.

I know it's Tuesday and I have not posted in a while, but let me just say that Saturday's workout was a killer! It seemed simple enough on paper, but as we all know that just means it will leave you flat on your back in no time and not in a good way.

Here was the, not so simple workout:

4 Burpees
8 Sit ups
PVC pipe OH squats
For every minute on the minute complete 4 burpees, 8 sit ups and as many pvc oh squats as possible until 150 oh squats are achieved.

The first thing I knew I did not like about this workout was that there were burpees involved. This is NEVER a good thing. The second thing I did not like was that it was pure Met-Con, which is never a good thing.

3..2..1.. Go!
So off I went - 4 burpees down - 8 situps down - 22 overhead squats down. That was the first minute. The second minute was not so kind. Only finished 15 overhead squats. After that it was all downhill from there. 10 here, 5 there, 15 over there and even a couple of rounds where I could only do the burpees and the situps and 0 overhead squats. That's right a big fat 0! That means more time and more burpees.

One thing that I knew was not working in my favor was that I was a bit dehydrated. I played volleyball the night before and felt it then. My mouth was dry and I felt tired. I knew I would be in trouble the next morning working out since less than 12 hours is not enough time to hydrate well enough.

Over and over again, up and down, up and down, minute by minute, round by round, I just kept going. There was no way I was going to quit even though I wanted too. As I looked around more and more people were finished and lying on the ground in that great resting position, on their back with their arms and legs outstreched with their eyes closed. I never lie down after a workout. I normally like to walk around and take in deep breaths. But this time I could think of nothing more than just crashing on the floor. My girl finished in 16 minutes - I'm so proud of her.

Still I had work to do. 100, 120, 143 - only 7 more overhead squats to do. No matter what, I was going to finish this time. 3, 2, 1 - DONE! I immediately crashed to the floor and just layed there with my eyes closed and my mind blank. It was a great feeling to be done. Even though it only took me 18 minutes to complete this, it felt like forever.

Within those 18 minutes I completed - 72 burpees - 144 situps and 150 overhead squats.
Man was I done. It took me a good 45 minutes to recover enough to drive home and even then Mai had to drive.

I was wiped out for the rest of the day. I slept and ate and that was about it. It was a wonderful Valentine's Day but I highly recommend staying hydrated and eating well ALL the time.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Indo Board Fun

Wednesday night's workout was:

Hang Power Cleans 95#

My time was 15.44.

I was spent from the week and did not eat very well so my energy level was low. I just knew Mason was going to smoke me tonight. As we started the workout I felt tired, but I just kept looking at Mason and trying to keep pace with him. It was going to be tough since there were pull-ups in tonight's workout.

I just kept going and going and going. Before I knew it I was done and yelled TIME so Jen and Keith could write down my time. Much to my surprise Mason yelled TIME after I did. What??? Did I hear that correctly??? I beat him??? No way that could not be right. That was a really good feeling after having him smoke me the night before.

After we all cooled down we began to play with some of the toys in the gym. The one that I love the most is the Indo Board. This thing is so much fun. I can't get enough of it. Mason and I have gotten fairly good at it on our feet. Of course that's not good enough for me. I have to keep pushing the limits.

I thought to myself why not a handstand??? We all chuckled for a bit and then I went for it. Now this is not a normal handstand - YET. This was like the Yoga pose called the crow. I will be working toward a real handstand but for now I can be happy with the 5 seconds I was able to stay up in the crow pose.

Man this stuff is fun!!

22,000 lbs in 22 minutes

I keep checking my math and I think it's right. 22,000 lbs in 22 minutes. If my calculations are right, that is how much weight I moved on Tuesday night at CrossFit Swift. It really is amazing when you think of it in those terms.

The workout for the night was:

5 rounds for time of - 10 deadlifts (250#) and 10 ring dips (I weigh 190#).
I was able to finish this in 22 minutes.

So if you look at it this way -
DL - 50 x 250lb = 12,500lb
Ring Dip - 50 x 190lb = 9,500lb
Grand Total of 22,000lbs

That is an amazing amount of work. I was quite slow if you compare me to Mason who did it in 15.50, but I did it and I finished it all with no modifications.

I am definitely getting stronger and this proves it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

BEAR Attack

Ok, somehow I survived the Bear attack at CrossFit Swift. The Bear is a benchmark CrossFit workout. It is all about strength and mental toughness. I have done this workout 3 times now and I keep getting better and better but it still beats me up. One thing about CrossFit is that it will test you as much mentally as physically. This is one of those workouts that prove it.

Here is what The Bear is:

Complete 7 reps of the following sequence
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

Complete 5 rounds, increasing the weight each round to find your max. Rest as needed in between rounds.

You may not rest the bar on the ground - not even to regrip.
You may rest the bar on any part of your body.

As the morning began I did not feel very strong. Some days you just don't feel that great. Today was one of those days. I had already pushed myself quite a bit on Wednesday night when I maxed out my thrusters at 170lbs. Nedless to say my shoulders were somewhat tired from that workout.

I began my rounds with 95lbs on the bar. Then I went to 105lbs on round 2. I knew right away that this was going to be a struggle. Round 3 found me going up to 115lbs. This one was tough but I knew I had more in me. Round 4 was here. Time to go up again. 120lbs found it's way onto my bar. Now this was tough. I struggled and fought and sreamed and grunted and did whatever it took to get through all 7 reps without letting go of the bar or let it rest on the ground.

Now that was tough. The hardest part was trying to keep my hands wrapped around the bar. My forearms were burning and my fingers were weak. BUT I MADE IT!!! This was 5lbs more than I was able to do back in December when I did 115lbs on the last round but had to drop the bar on rep 3 of 7.

Now for the last round. The question of the day, do I do 120lbs again or do I go up to 125??? Well if you know me you know the answer to that question. Of course I went up to 125lbs. How else would I know my limits if I don't try to go past them.

Here we go. Rep one of 7. OUCH that is heavy and my hands are useless. Finished that one. Rep 2 of 7. Forearms are on fire and I can't feel my fingers. Finished that one. Rep 3 of 7. Breathing so heavy now, and shoulders are feeling very weak. Deadlift, done. Hang clean, done. Front squat, push press overhead lockout, DONE. Now for the hardest part. Controlling the bar down onto my back. This is where my grip failed me. I had to move out of the way and let the weights come crashing down behind me. That was it, I was done with only 2 full reps of 7 done on my last round.

The good news is that I had already done better than I did last time a few months ago. If I could have only had the hand and forearm strength to hold on to that bar I would have made it.

Mr Bear,
You beat me today, but next time I will be taking you down.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day Off

With my schedule Thursday is the one day I don't CrossFit or play volleyball. Usually I just enjoy sitting around the house and doing NOTHING!

However today was a little different. One of my friends TJ, decided that he would give this CrossFit thing (as he calls it) a shot. Since he was heading over to CrossFit Swift I decided to go and be there to support him. The other cool thing was that my girlfriend Mai had decided to go too. She usually only gets to go on Saturdays with me.

I just love working out with her. Better yet I love watching her workout. = )

I was still going to take my day off from working out, but I was going to be there to support my friends and girlfriend as they worked hard.

Tonight's workout was one called ''Cindy''. It is only a 20 minute workout. In those 20 minutes you have to do as many rounds as possible of - 5 pullups - 10 pushups - 15 air squats (= 1 round). This workout is so much fun, tough, but fun. The last time I attempted this a few months ago I could only get 9 rounds. The elite CrossFitters can complete rounds in the upper 20s. My goal is to get to 15.

Since this was TJs first night at CrossFit he was only going to do a 1/2 Cindy. Which means he would only be going for 10 minutes instead of 20. One thing you should know about TJ is that he is about 6'8''. So he has a long way to pullup and to squat. Away he went. Before he knew it, time was up. 10 minutes had gone by and he completed 4 rounds. Now that may not seem like a lot but that means he did - 20 pullups - 40 pushups - 60 squats - in 10 minutes. GREAT JOB!!
He had so much fun that he said he would definitely be back next week.

As TJ was finishing up his 1/2 Cindy, Mai was still going strong. After all was said and done she completed 8 full unassisted rounds. That means in 20 minutes she completed - 40 pullups - 80 pushups - 120 squats. Now that's cool!! No wonder that girl turns my head all the time.

Friday night will be another volleyball night and then I can get back to CrossFitting on Saturday morning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Short post tonight.
Tonight was a heavy night at CrossFit Swift.
The workout was thrusters 3-3-3-3-3. So of course Mason and I set up on the same bar. I just have to compete with someone and I prefer it to be someone better than me. That makes Mason the logical choice.
The first couple of rounds were surprisingly easy. We started at 135lbs then 145lbs then 155lbs. It was interesting watching Mason struggle with the front squat and then explode with the push press fairly easily. With me it was the exact opposite. The front squats were a piece of cake. Then I began to struggle with the push press.

On the 4th round we stepped up to 165lbs. I knew I was going to struggle with this one. Again the front squat was easy but then I had to press it overhead. I was able to get out 2 of the 3 reps but that was it. Now came the 5th round. Mason wanted to go up to 175lbs. Of course I had to at least try it. I knew it was a shot in the dark but what the heck. Down I went with the front squat - piece of cake - but there was no way that push press was going anywhere.

I backed it back down to 170lbs just to see if I could get one rep. Yes I did and it felt good and that is where I stopped.

Here are my numbers for the evening.


It was a good night and fun to watch everyone put up some big numbers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Row, Row , Row

Tonight was fun. Tonight's workout was short and sweet. I was still a bit wiped from Kelly the night before and my abs are sore from all the box jumps.
It was straight and to the point.

1000m Row
21 Deadlift (135#)
15 Pull ups
750m Row
18 Deadlift
12 Pull ups
500m Row
15 Deadlift
9 Pull ups

My time was 21.53.

Not too bad considering the effort I put out the night before.
The good news was that as slow as I felt I was right on Mason's heels. He finished with a time of 20.11. I know I was a bit slower on the rower than he was but man that was a lot of rowing.

I almost had him that time. Look out, I'm right behind you.
Tomorrow is a heavy night so that will be a lot of fun. Ok time to get to my pushups, I only have 30 left for the night.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kelly - The Beast

Tonight was my first day back from not CrossFitting for a week. I took a few days off since I was a little under the weather and I had to play a volleyball tournament on Saturday. I am still not at 100% but I could not sit at home one more day.

When I arrived at CrossFit Swift they had put up a workout called ''Kelly''. It was 5 rounds for time of 400m run or row - 30 wall balls - 30 box jumps. . . . . . . Really ???? 5 rounds ???? Wow was my chest beginning to tighten up just thinking about trying to breathe, as I was still congested.

Well ok here goes. And boy did it just keep going and going and going. The funny part was that it truly only seemed like it lasted about 20 minutes. Alas, that was not the case. As usual I had to push myself to do a little more than was required.

The box jumps were supposed to be 24''. However I bumped it up to 32''.

My time was 45.29 with a 400m row - 20lb wall ball and 32'' box jumps.
I was pretty steady with my pace trying to not take more than 30 sec - 1 min break when I needed to stop. It was brutal but I did it and would gladly do it again.

I am now wiped out and can barely type this, but nothing feels as good as completing something hard and being proud about it.

I am also happy to say that a friend of mine called tonight to tell me that he was on day 7 of the 50 day push-up challenge. Way to go Donald. I hope the whole family is doing it with you.

Ok time to crash since that is about all the energy I have left right now.