Thursday, February 12, 2009

Indo Board Fun

Wednesday night's workout was:

Hang Power Cleans 95#

My time was 15.44.

I was spent from the week and did not eat very well so my energy level was low. I just knew Mason was going to smoke me tonight. As we started the workout I felt tired, but I just kept looking at Mason and trying to keep pace with him. It was going to be tough since there were pull-ups in tonight's workout.

I just kept going and going and going. Before I knew it I was done and yelled TIME so Jen and Keith could write down my time. Much to my surprise Mason yelled TIME after I did. What??? Did I hear that correctly??? I beat him??? No way that could not be right. That was a really good feeling after having him smoke me the night before.

After we all cooled down we began to play with some of the toys in the gym. The one that I love the most is the Indo Board. This thing is so much fun. I can't get enough of it. Mason and I have gotten fairly good at it on our feet. Of course that's not good enough for me. I have to keep pushing the limits.

I thought to myself why not a handstand??? We all chuckled for a bit and then I went for it. Now this is not a normal handstand - YET. This was like the Yoga pose called the crow. I will be working toward a real handstand but for now I can be happy with the 5 seconds I was able to stay up in the crow pose.

Man this stuff is fun!!

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