Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Row, Row , Row

Tonight was fun. Tonight's workout was short and sweet. I was still a bit wiped from Kelly the night before and my abs are sore from all the box jumps.
It was straight and to the point.

1000m Row
21 Deadlift (135#)
15 Pull ups
750m Row
18 Deadlift
12 Pull ups
500m Row
15 Deadlift
9 Pull ups

My time was 21.53.

Not too bad considering the effort I put out the night before.
The good news was that as slow as I felt I was right on Mason's heels. He finished with a time of 20.11. I know I was a bit slower on the rower than he was but man that was a lot of rowing.

I almost had him that time. Look out, I'm right behind you.
Tomorrow is a heavy night so that will be a lot of fun. Ok time to get to my pushups, I only have 30 left for the night.


  1. Heard lots of crazy noises in the other room and realized it was just hubs doing his push ups. ha! Oh, man, you have created a monster!

  2. So did you go into the other room and make lots of crazy noises with him? = )
