Friday, February 20, 2009

Shoulder Work

I was not very excited to see the WOD on the board when I walked in.
It was:

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

That's right, upper body and lots of shoulder work. Man I do not like that. Mostly because I feel like I am already very weak, in comparison to others (Mason and Mark). That did not mean I was not going to do my best, I just did not like it.

I just kept reminding myself of the CrossFit mindset.

This was all about going heavy and not for time. Of course since Mason and Mark were there I was going to push myself to try and keep up with them. I knew this was out of my reach but what the heck, why not try.

Here are the results from the night.

Shoulder Press
my old PR was 130

Push Press
my old PR was 155

Push Jerk
never done these before

Mason and Mark both beat me easily but they are both incredibly strong in the upper body.
Here is where Mark finished on the night. He was the best on this night. Looks like Mason and I both have a new mark (pun intended) to shoot for.


The night ended with me exceeding my previous results. Which means I was making progress. For some reason I was not excited by that. Most of it had to do with the fact I did not have the belief in myself that night to do the impossible. Sometimes I have those days where I am just going through the motions and just want to get through it all. I think this was one of those times. Funny thing is, I wonder what I could have done if my mind had been right and I had felt good about it all.

I have to ask myself what other areas of my life am I shortchanging just because I want to get through it and be done with it. I am sure I can do better in everything I do, mostly just by changing my attitude.

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